Centre Class

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Important Messages

Pupils who attend Centre Class will have experienced difficulties in their mainstream placements in relation to their behaviour and their ability to manage their own responses to circumstances that they find challenging.
At Centre Class they will experience a higher staff:child ratio, although all children in the class will have difficulties in managing their behaviour at some level.

At Centre Class we have a Behaviour Management Policy which incorporates a varirty of incentives and sanctions to help your child behave acceptably. All staff have taken part in Team Teach training, which is a whole setting holistic approach to managing difficult and sometimes dangerous behaviour. the majority of the time this involves strategies such as verbal advice and support, reassurance, rediredtion, planned ignoring and transferring adults inorder to diffuse the situation. When these strategies are not working and the child's behaviour is escalating and causing staff comcern for the child's safety and others safetyit may be necessary to use physical intervention. This means staff may need to hold your child following recognised procedures in which they have substantial training.

Al children will have a PHP (Positive Handling Plan) which will outline methods that should be used to identify and interventions that may act as a trigger, or that should be avoided for any reason. You will be asked to read and sign this at your child's review or planning meeting. These plans are not completed until your child has been with us for a few weeks to ensure that the plan is tailored to your child's needs.

Many of the pupils have particular difficulty in managing their anger when they feel under pressure or have a sense of perceived injustice. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways. We will help your child to learn new ways of dealing with anger and to reflect on any incidents where they have lost control. However, we will take very seriously and incidents of a child deliberately assaulting another child or adult. In extreme cases and where achild is over the age of ten we may consider police involvement. Staff choose to work with challenging children because they care and want to help them improve their life chances. This does not mean that they condone violent or aggressive behaviour against themselves or others.

Jo Southby
7th December 2011

Term 1 September 2011

I am writing to introduce myself and update you on the changes to the management of the Behaviour Support Service, Centre Class, which your child currently attends.

As you are no doubt aware Mrs Sue Brown retired at the end of the summer term. I have been appointed as Executive Head Teacher to oversee all alternative educational provision in the local area.
I shall be working closely with Mrs Ball, the Deputy Head and Mrs Hayes, Assistant Head Teacher, to continue the excellent work the Centre does in supporting pupils who are out of school and preparing them to return successfully to either a mainstream or specialist provision at the end of their placement.

I look forward to working with you and supporting your child in this part of their educational journey.

Jo Southby

Just a reminder we will not be supplying swimming goggles to the children anymore. The children will be expected to bring their own goggles in to use if they are needed and take full responsibility for them

As you are aware from media coverage the country is suffering from a recession.
In order to keep the activities intersting and fun, we will now be asking for a voluntary contribution of £5 per term for the materials used by your child. The funds will be used to purchase items which will enhance each child's understanding within most curriculum areas.

I think you will agree that the opportunities the children are offered at Centre Class, help to develop their self esteem. We would not want to be put in a position where children cannot develop their creative skills because of budget constraits.

I hope therefore that you will support us whilst your child is a member of Centre Class.

General Reminders

School meals

Eden food Services have advised us that school dinner will now be £2.20 per day.

Home contact sheets

Please ensure that home contact sheets are signed daily. Please feel free to make comments on them. Anything personal or private concerning your child that you wish us to know should be sent in, in the form of a letter, in a sealed envelope, or via a telephone call.

Personal belongings

It is not advisable to let your child bring anything of value into school. We cannot accept any responsibility if they get lost or damaged. SWAPPING items is totally forbidden.

Breakfast and Tuck

Tea/milk and toast/cereal are available at the beginning of each day. This is supplied at the cost of 30p daily. Tuck at breaktimes 30p daily or you can choose to bring something from home (no sweets or crisps). Water is always supplied.


We are not allowed to administer medications to your child unless they are prescribed by your G.P and accompanied by a letter from you giving the necessary permission for us to do so with the correct dosage and times.
if your child is unwell, please
DO NOT send them into school. They are unable to cope with the stresses and strains of a school day.

Bad weather procedures

In the case of snow, please listen to Radio Kent at 96.7FM or 104.2FM for school closures, or you will recieve a phone call advising you of the situation from a member of staff. Alternatively you can check on the website for updates, this will be updated daily over the bad weather period.


Please remember, if you know your child is going to be absent inform your taxi driver as early as possible, as this avoids any unnecessary trips and other pupils being kept waiting. On the day you should either phone Centre Class or the taxi company.


Homework is supplied on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is important that your child is encouraged to complete this and we thank you in advance for your support. Any unfinished work will be completed during break and lunchtimes.

Contact numbers

On occassions staff have been unable to contact parents because phone numbers have been changed. Please remember to infrom the centre of any changes that have been made.

If the weather is forecast for a hot day please can we ask that you supply your child with a sun hat that has their name clearly written in it.

We would also advise that children should have sun cream applied to them before leaving home as staff are not allowed to put sun cream on children.

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