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Science day - Forces

2009/2010 > Science

" A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new"
Albert Einstein

Our topic this term is Forces. We had lots of fun on our Science day making lots of exciting and interesting things needing different forces for them to work.

Rocket Mice

Five, four, three, two, one blastoff! Launch your mouse into space boldly where no mouse has gone before!

Does a big Roto-Copter spin differently than a little one?

Dizzy Snake

We decorated our snakes in different colourful designs and cut a spiral shape from a circle to make the snake shape. We used plasticene to hold the wooden pole in place. To finish off we rest the middle of the snake's head onto the top of the wooden pole making sure it balances and the curls of his body hang down.
Just below the snake's head is its centre of gravity, so it should be perfectly balanced.

Oscillating Woodpecker

These are a great toy to make, all of the children loved making and playing with these and they were very easy to make, you just need a drinking straw, card and a large elastic band.
Gravity, friction and momentum work together to keep the woodpecker pecking.

Acrobatic Antics

Gravity pulls downwards. the hemisphere of model clay weighs more than the body. If the sides of the acrobat are uneven in weight, the hemisphere will roll towards the heavier side until it finds the centre of balance.


We made these kites in lots different colours, they were great fun to fly!


After making the Windmill we attached it to a rod and tied on a piece of string with a paperclip on it to make a hook. We made a stand for them to go on out of pringle tubes. Mrs Brown put a polo onto the hook and we had to blow the windmill to make it go round and hoist up the hook with the polo before we could eat it, it was a fun activity and we were very puffed out by the end of it!


Which activity did you like the best?

I liked making the kite.
I liked making the kite.
When we made the kites.
The activities I liked best was making the kites.
Making a kite.
Making the windmill.
I liked them all.
Making kites.
I enjoyed making the windmill.

Which was easy/hard? Why?

The windmill was easy, you could fold it easy. The snake was hard, the colouring was hard.
The mouse was easy because all it was, was folding. the windmill was difficult, it kept going the other way.
It was easy making kites.
Making a kite seemed quite easy because I just had to stick ribbon on.
The mice were easy to make but the roto-copters because I cut the wrong bits out.
The easiest was the mouse.
The snake beacause it was not too big and not too small.
The mice were simple.
The kite was hard because the tail kept on falling off, I think we could have put a staple on it.

What could have been done to make this activity harder/easier?

Making the kite could have been easier with sellotape and not sticky back plastic.
Having an adult with you to make it easier and without help to make it harder.
To make things a bit easier maybe the kite could be put together to save time.
Having a bit less help would make it harder.
Trying different materials.

Which activity would you rather not do again and why?

I can't do any more Kites, it was tricky.
The clown because of the cutting out.
Make the mouse.
I would rather not do the bird activity again because of the amount of cutting.
The roto-copters because they were hard.
I would not do the mouse because it was too easy.
I liked doing all of them.
None because they were all really good.

What new skill/s did you develop from doing the activities?

I got better at colouring.
Lots of new skills.
I have developed new skills in cutting with scissors and sticking with sellotape.
They made me think.
You can't always get things right first time.

What did you learn from doing the activities?

When you blow really hard on the windmill you make it turn and it rolls the string up, its fun.
How to make different things.
I have learnt new information on birds, windmills and kites.
They were easy and I could do them by myself.
More fun.
That not all things are simple.

Did anything surprise you?

The mouse surprised me when we stepped the bottle and it blew off the end really fast.
The mouse and how far it could go.
Yes the windmills and the polo.
I was surprised about the colour of the windmills.
The windmill surprised me.
The mouse.

Chantelle Y
Chantelle T
Liam L
Kieran Ma
Aiden S

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